​Call us today to book an appointment: 01- 857 9397
value. ​quality care.​ convenience.

Dr. Mona Sayegh
Dr Sayegh studied medicine at Trinity College and initially trained in Emergency Medicine. However, she found that she missed the continuing Doctor- Patient relationship and so went on to complete General Practice training in England and Ireland. She has completed Diploma's in Child and Women's Health, and has special interest in Family Planning. She also holds a Diploma in Dermatology.
Dr Sayegh is a member of both the Irish College of General Practice and Royal College of General Practice. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
The Practice

Areas Of Interest
Special areas of interest include Dermatology, Women's Health, Emergency Care provision, preventive medicine and chronic disease management. The team includes a doctor, nurse, onsite pharmacist and reception staff. The practice is computerised and is a member of the Northdoc out-of-hours service.
The practice has access to physiotherapy services, wound dressings and diagnostic imaging.

01- 857 9397
33 Shanard Road,
Dublin 9.
Monday - Friday
By Appointment Only
Out of Hours
Ring Northdoc
0818 22 44 76
041 6850720